Why I Write Science Fiction

It sounds a bit counterintuitive but Science Fiction gives a writer far more freedom to explore the human condition than traditional fiction novels. When one can create environments, antagonists and protagonists without any limitations the possibilities are endless.

I jumped into a career as a science fiction novelist after forty years in software and the digital electronics industry. Prospective writers contemplating a similar move could find some of my insights useful.

No one could possibly start at ground zero more than me. Although I hold master degrees in Computer Science and Finance, my college education in formal writing was limited to the mandatory English 101 that every undergraduate is forced to endure. My first career was no help either. The only fiction I wrote there was my department’s annual budget.

Two things drove me to try:

First, a love for literature. Since my childhood, I consumed every historical, science fiction and fantasy novel I could find in my local town library. They opened my mind to a myriad of ‘what if’ scenarios. The seismic changes single individuals made on the course of history is mind-blowing. Science Fiction allows me to explore those possibilities in ways that readers can follow.

Second, a passion for telling stories. Ideas for plots percolated in my mind for many years, and my children endured many snippets of them as bedtime stories. Some ideas I jotted down, but most were filed away and refined in my head over time.

So why are these two points more important than any technical skill in creating a manuscript?

The answer is straight forward. If you read a lot, you know what you enjoy and what you don’t. Foremost, an author in any genre must, in my opinion, write to please him or herself. Think about what is appealing about the novels that give you the most pleasure and what you dislike about the ones that bore you. Embrace the style and arc of the good ones and steer clear of what annoys you in the others.

The second part is equally important. You have to have a story to tell. I am not talking about conveying (necessarily) any deep cerebral thoughts. But I am talking about having a unique, entertaining tale to spin. Writers need to get their readers enmeshed in the world they create, and not bore them with an all too predictable plot. If you can convince your readers to laugh and cry along with your protagonist’s misadventures you have a successful book.

Do not mistake me. Solid writing techniques are important. An author must always be honing those skills. But first, and foremost, you need to have a story to tell.

Published by jcaligiuri

John Caligiuri is a novelist who has a lifelong passion for literature and pens primarily Science Fiction and Fantasy. He has been able to blend his fascination with history and his professional background in software engineering to come up with some unusual story twists. His stories emerged from his curiosity about historical watershed events and asking, “what if”. John lives in Rochester, New York with his wife Linda. She’s been married to him for over forty years and has supported his writing from the beginning. They have three grown children scattered around the country along with their first grandchild. For relaxation John enjoys gardening (which stretches his intellect attempting to outwit the rabbits and deer) red wine and distance running.

3 thoughts on “Why I Write Science Fiction

  1. Hi John, Love this! I’m glad my ask inspired this for your blog. Can I still post it on May 2nd on my blog with credits and a link to your author page? You must be back in Roc 😁

    Sue Susan LeDoux Website http://www.susanledoux.com

    On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 8:08 AM Guardian Tree Publishing wrote:

    > jcaligiuri posted: ” It sounds a bit counterintuitive but Science Fiction > gives a writer far more freedom to explore the human condition than > traditional fiction novels. When one can create environments, antagonists > and protagonists without any limitations the possibilities ” >


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